I’m reading Julian Barnes’ beautiful book Levels of Life, about hot air ballooning
and the death of his wife. His link
between the two is to do with height. He used the word both physically and
metaphorically – rising effortlessly up in the air in a balloon, or crashing
down into the depths when grief strikes.
I've been thinking about how we
often use physical words to describe our emotions.
We do talk a lot about height when describing our moods, mainly whether
we’re feeling up or feeling down. Sometimes
we think visually, and talk about feeling bright or gloomy.
Another way of looking at our emotional lives
is in terms of their weight. If life is treating us well and there is lots
of fun and enjoyment around, we often describe ourselves as ‘light-hearted’. If
things are not going so well, we’ve had bad news or are expecting something
difficult to happen, then we may talk about doing something or approaching a
situation ‘with a heavy heart’. We can be weighed down by the cares of the
world. Hopefully, we can sometimes throw off our burdens or share them with
other people.
The word depression
contains elements of both height and weight. In physical terms it refers to a
hollow, an area that is sunk below its surroundings. It also refers to a sense of pressure, of
being compressed, constrained, pushed down.
For me, there is a very strong link between
my emotional state and my sense of weight. This is nothing to do with my actual
weight in kilograms, which could usually do with being a bit lower!

But when everything is
going well I really do feel lighter, not just in my heart but in my whole being.
Sometimes I feel weightless, it’s as if I could take off and fly.

Lightness of being.
Yes please. Unlike Milan Kundera, I don’t
find it unbearable.
I can see there might be down-sides to lightness. It can suggest not being serious, superficial, unimportant, lacking gravity (another physical term!), as in “he’s a light-weight.”
I can see there might be down-sides to lightness. It can suggest not being serious, superficial, unimportant, lacking gravity (another physical term!), as in “he’s a light-weight.”
But in emotional terms, I think lightness
hard to beat.
How light is your heart today?
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