I’m doing a
lot of meditating these days, with the help of Headspace. Twenty minutes or so, every morning, sitting
in my favourite chair. Often with a dog
curled up near me.

Sometimes it
feels like I’m sitting on the sea shore, watching the waves coming in to land
on the beach. They keep on rolling. They are endlessly different, and endlessly
fascinating. And you don’t have to do anything
about waves. They just happen.
You might
think it is boring, but it isn’t. It’s gentle, kind and enjoyable. I often find
I’m smiling quietly to myself.
important, in a subtle, understated sort of a way. It creates more space for me. It puts
other things, my everyday busyness and concerns, into perspective. And if I do
get hassled during the day, I can take a few seconds out, just to breathe. I’m
finding all those things I have to do, somehow may not be as important, as
urgent, as serious or as worrying as I thought they were going to be.